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#55 : 2008-10-7 11:40 AM
美國FDA 要求檢驗儀器LOD 必須是0.05 PPM (50 PPB)
Melamine and Analogues Intake Scenarios
The exposure scenarios presented below pertain to melamine compounds. As stated previously, we have assumed that all MCs are equipotent and we are treating them as a group of compounds and not as single compounds. Scenario 1 presents intake estimates for pork, chicken, egg and fish consumption. Scenario 2 presents intake estimates for foods that contain meat, poultry and pork. Scenario 3 is an intake estimate that is based on, as a worst case assumption, that melamine is in all solid food. For all three scenarios, intake estimates were based on food consumption levels for a 60-kg individual (the norm for exposure analysis by FDA/CFSAN's Office of Food Additive Safety).
Accumulation of melamine in the edible tissue of animals (pork, poultry and fish) consuming the contaminated feed at the levels reported in feed to date is considered highly unlikely. For the purpose of this assessment it is assumed that all edible tissues contain 50 ppb melamine. The basis for using such a level comes from reports from FDA and FSIS of trace levels of melamine in tissues from some hogs that consumed the suspect feed containing rice protein. The 50 ppb level represents a conservative estimate of the Limit of Detection (LOD) for the methods employed; a value that will ensure that the exposure scenarios are in turn conservative. (The LOD is the level below which a contaminant cannot be measured with current analytical methods.) Currently this method is designed to only detect melamine in meat; however, it is presumed that the other MCs are present in the tissue. For the purposes of this assessment, the concentration of melamine assumed in the tissue (50 ppb) is doubled to 100 ppb to account for cyanuric acid, which was not actually measured by the test. Doubling the measurable tissue melamine level was based in part on the relative levels of MC compounds (analogues levels were generally no greater than melamine levels) observed in the contaminated feed and in part on the identification of the crystals in the kidneys being a mixture of melamine and cyanuric acid. This suggests that cyanuric acid might be a greater concern than the other analogues and doubling should more than account for cyanuric acid based on currently available data. Therefore, in lieu of any reported residue values for MCs in edible tissues and based on the reported levels of MCs in the suspect feeds and the short half life and rapid excretion of MCs, the use of 100 ppb as a default residue level was considered reasonable for the purpose of determining safety. Inherent in this value is another conservative assumption that all meat/poultry/fish/egg tissue was from animals that had been fed contaminated feed until just prior to slaughter or collection. Due to the rapid excretion of melamine and cyanuric acid and because these compounds are not metabolized, withdrawing contaminated feed would be expected to lead to a relatively rapid clearance of the compounds from the animal.
FSIS has recently completed a "Swine and Poultry Exposure Assessment," attached as Appendix II. FDA has recently completed sampling of two commercial fish farming operations; the report of this sampling is attached as Appendix III. These data and information confirm and re-enforce the assumptions and conclusions of this interim safety/risk assessment.
三、不容許其他食品摻入melamine,且禁止販售;若其他食品意外遭三聚氰胺汙染,FDA認為三聚氰胺和相關化合物低於2.5 ppm不會引發問題。
三、對前二項措施的漏網之魚,不論是即將進口或已經出現在市面上,只要是含中國乳製品15%以上、三聚氰胺超過2.5 mg/kg以上的混合食物製品(以餅乾及巧克力為例)皆予以銷毀;未知中國乳製品含量的混合食物製品,亦等同辦理。
一、說從中國來的乳類製品都已禁止進口,但衛生署並未給負責把關的經濟部標準檢驗局相關的公文指示。從中國製的 "雀巢"、"克寧" 還在台灣(標準未定)。
三、對已進口的餅乾、巧克力.....等等食物仍是以HPLC來檢驗,所以對大多數食物的標準還是2.5 ppm、不是0.05 ppm;。
FDA 標準第一條: 全面禁止中國乳製品
意思就是雀巢或克寧在中國黑龍江生產的乳製品, 將被全面禁止進入美國或歐洲
台北市議議員黃珊珊:我的孩子一直喝雀巢 天啊
馬英九 劉兆玄 吳伯雄 連戰 江丙坤 胡錦濤 溫家寶 陳雲林及你們的兒女 金孫苦民所苦,帶頭示範喝一喝 用 三聚氰胺 沖泡的牛奶 吧?
[chacha 在 2008-10-7 11:44 AM 作了最後編輯]